Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18281435-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
18262662-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 300 | ||||
18262633-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 200 | ||||
18261973-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
18261964-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
18261950-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
18245899-2 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17792536-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | 2,000 | ||||
17641680-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
17618367-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | 11.000009 | ||||
17618280-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
17618267-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
17618262-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17614035-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17316159-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17315965-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17312879-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
16731832-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | |||||
16562222-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | |||||
16170825-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | |||||
16108067-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | 31.740873 | ||||
16108060-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | In | |||||
16108054-1 | Ethereum Transact Balances Transfer | Out | |||||
16107902-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out |