Rootscan is a Block Explorer tailored for The Root Network, an innovative decentralized network.
Privacy PolicyExtrinsic ID | Extrinsic Method | Timestamp | Amount / TokenID(s) | From | To | ||
18666996-3 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
18666920-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
18666893-4 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
18430422-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
18429011-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17726091-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17725985-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
17355213-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
16638778-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | Out | |||||
16553479-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | |||||
16487709-1 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | 2,000 | ||||
12340454-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
10995960-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | 6,000 | ||||
4894990-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
4729233-1 | Ethereum Transact Assets Transferred | In | |||||
1638727-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | 1,000 | ||||
785174-9 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | 400 | ||||
784754-10 | Balances Transfer Balances Transfer | In | |||||
763379-4 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In | 400 | ||||
743655-1 | Assets Transfer Assets Transferred | In |